Series: Shawnee Sacred
Publisher: Shawnee Press
Voicing: SATB
Composer: David Lantz III, Herb Frombach
Here is an original concept from Herb Frombach set to beautiful music by the talented David Lantz. The author has taken the titles of great hymns of faith and crafted a lyric of blessing and praise: Now we give our praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, our King for His creation of every living thing. This skillful reminder of the many blessings of our lives could be the quintessential anthem for the season of thanksgiving or for any time a grateful church turns their hearts and minds above. Flowing melodic lines and a sensitive call and response-style counterpoint make this piece easily learned but hard to forget. Our Many Hymns of Thanks will touch your congregation.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a minimum purchase of 10 copies of this item.
Item #: 035016460
UPC: 747510064862
Size: 10.5" x 6.75"
Pages: 12
Stock #: HL35016460